Author name: makereadymedics

What you should know about the paramedic course entrance process.

The commitment to take paramedic class can challenge people in so many different ways. That challenge begins with getting into the program. Accreditation as a paramedic program has slowly been changing. I’m going to explain what has changed a bit and what it means to you as a potential student. A medic program needs to

What you should know about the paramedic course entrance process. Read More »

The top three things you can do to help you get ready for paramedic class.

Fall paramedic class can soon be approaching. It can be both exciting and nervous time. Take the time you have before the class starts to get ready for the class. Here is three quick tips that can make a huge difference in your success in class. The number one thing you can do in paramedic

The top three things you can do to help you get ready for paramedic class. Read More »

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