Best Stethoscopes for Medical Professionals

In this article we will go over the the use and features to look for in a stethoscope as well as models I’ve used in my career. If your here just looking for a quick pick then scroll to the bottom of the post for the top recommendations.

The stethoscope is one of the most important tools for medics, nurse and physicians to purchase. Its a tool that many of us use in a daily basis. This tool had a very important role in assessment. A good set of ears can make a big difference in diagnosis and treatment of a patient. This couldn’t be understated. Especially in procedures like needle chest decompression for example.

The most important thing to remember when buying a stethoscope is that it needs to fit you well. There are many different sizes available and there are also other factors such as sound quality and material that need to be considered when buying one.

What to avoid

Avoid hard plastic tips on the ears. Also avoid dual tubes. In my experience dual tubes can rub together and cause increased artifact when auscultating. Sometimes its difficult to hear abnormal lung sounds in a chaotic scene a poorly made stethoscope doesn’t help. I’ve used both those stethoscopes in my career and they are horrible.

So what am I looking for?

Qualities of a great stethoscope. Comfortable ears make a big difference. If your in a rush to take them off because it hurts your ears its hard to focus on what you hear. Heavy tubing cuts down on ambient noise. A heavy bell does the same thing as far as reducing ambient noise. I’m not a fan of a pivoting bell for high and low tones but that’s more personal preference.

The best low end stethoscope

The Littmann master classic above was my favorite set of ears for 8 plus years. They to me provide the best bang for the buck.

The best high end

I love my Littmann Master cardiology III and I prefer the single head bell but the price of the master cardiology IV is just hard to beat. I have carried my master cardiology III for 8 years of my time on the ambulance. I’ve never had any issues.

Digital stethoscopes

The art of lung sound auscultation has changed greatly since physicians stated putting their ear to the chest. At first I was hesitant to recommend a digital stethoscope but after having on the ambulance for about a month, I really like it. The 40x amplification really helps with those who have some hearing loss. The Eko app for the phone is free and makes it great for teaching and sharing what you heard.

How do you keep your high end ears from walking away?

Airtags seem to be the new trend for tracking potential lost items. I’ve used them on my wallet, my keys as well as about anything else that can walk away. In my career I had numerous times someone borrowed my stethoscope to then sling it around their neck and walk away. It can be attached to the Y portion of the tube.

In summary stethoscopes can be an expensive work tool but one that can save a life in a critical situation. A good stethoscope can be an costly expense but can last you up to 10 plus years of your career. May of the parts are replaceable and can last you beyond that. I strongly recommend replacing parts with ones from the manufacturer. I have used other brands of stethoscopes but I’ve never had an issue with a Littmann. Are you taking advantage of a flexible spending account (FSA) at the moment with your employer? One of the items on the flex spend list is a stethoscope. If its close to the end of the year and you have extra in the account consider splurging on a new set of ears.