How to Reduce Test Anxiety and Boost Your Chances of Success at the National Registry Exam.

Any test can bring on anxiety; These adaptive monsters of a test are no different. You are rolling into something that may influence the rest of your life.  After this article I hope to have given you a strategy to it seem like a breeze.

Begin with end in mind…

You know you can pass this test, right? I can promise you a couple things about this test. You can pass this test. Think about all the people you’ve meet who have passed it.  I’m sure you’ve met people some that made you question how the heck did he pass? I mean he can barely tie his shoes. If they can pass, so can you. The test is not a reflection of how good at the job you’ll be. There also has been people way smarter than you who failed the test. No matter if it takes you one attempt or six, you can still do the job. This test does not define you. Start with knowing you can pass.  When I took the National Registry exam, I had the attitude that this test was practice for the next one.

Train hard, Fight easy.  Ramping up for the test to come.

This is probably the most important phase of getting ready for the test.  As much as we push to get this test done and move on, we should still out train the opponent.     There is significant evidence that working out increases learning greatly.  Timing though on which is better, before or after the workout is up in the air. If success is truly your goal, do both. Study for an hour and workout. Grab a light snack to keep blood sugar levels up.  Lastly get back to those books. 

Studying in a similar environment is a good start. The test is set in a similar situation as study hall in high school. (or detention) Take an online test that can give you feedback on your weakness. Practice your game time strategy. (see below) There are some great books to study that also give you test questions or an online test as well. I recommend the two below.

Next, hammer those weaknesses with every resource you can find. Take notes on the sections you struggle with.  Make the material yours as if you were to teach it.  Try meditation and give it some practice. Learning to calm down with some calming breaths. If you haven’t tried mediation try an app like headspace.

 Lastly make sure you’re still maintaining those areas your already comfortable with. I’ve had plenty of students abandon their studying their strengths to concentrate on their weakness only to then fail at their strengths.

Pregaming for the test…

I’m not talking about knocking back a few adult beverages before the test. (Although I have heard of people doing so) I’m referring to setting yourself up for success. As the old saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan on failing.   

 Do not work the day or night before the test.  Do not study significantly either.  A light review of your notes should be sufficient.  The day of be light on caffeine.  Caffeine causes a release of epinephrine. I’ve never heard of anyone falling asleep during the test so skip this fight or flight inducing drug.  Too much caffeine may make you to agitated to or anxious. On top of that if coffee induces the urge to void your bowels, that’s the last urge we want while we test; You may want to consider hitting the restroom prior as well.

 Lastly eat a small meal before the test. Make sure you have something with carbs and protein.  Your brain uses a huge amount of energy; Make sure you eat enough to keep it running without making you sluggish or nauseated.  Even if its just a cliff bar or two.

Game Time Strategy

You’re sitting down at the computer and ready to start this test.  Read the last sentence of the question. These many times contains keywords on what you’re looking for in the question. Take a second to look at the multiple-choice answers. Now read the question in its entirety.  You should have a gut feeling on what the question is asking you and your answer.  Do not get sucked into the question and doubt your answer only to change it. Your first gut reaction is usually the right one.

When you don’t know the answer it’s time to change tactics.  Reread the question a second time.  Then eliminate half of the answers.  Now between what’s left pick the test answer that feels better.  Even if this is only slightly better.

Those types of questions may add a little stress.  It’s just another free throw.  Have you ever watched basketball?  The best basketball free throwers have some of the same routine.  The look around, dribble the ball and take a little breather. Concentrate on breathing through your nose. Inhale for a five count, hold lungs full for a five count, exhale for a five count and lastly hold empty for a five count.

  Now go back to the test.  This is one of many different breathing or meditation techniques that may help.  I know that it feels like you don’t have time for this. The test has a time limit.  If you rush thru the test though it’s just rushing to failure.  We are attempting to learn to calm down and get our minds in the right frame of mind.  If we get in fight or flight mode we may not accurately remember the content we studied because our fear won’t allow us to access that part of our brain.

Post test Management

You won’t know the results immediately. Reach out to those mentors that can calm you down. Then take time to relax. Flip through some notes. Lastly Try not to look for the test results immediately or hit refresh 12 million times. The results won’t come any faster. Hopefully you get the results you worked for.